decoded_ Something for your mind… Something for your mind…

June 6, 2008

I wanna be on holiday again :( *sad*

Filed under: General,Travel — decoded_ @ 11:06 am

Wow, this coming w/end, a year ago, Joanne and I were heading off on our 6 week European holiday…

Has a year gone by already? That’s gone by way too fast!

Hrmm, I’ve found that the ‘this time last year I was…’ thinking hurts much more than the ‘holiday is over, back at work’ depression, that hits you not long after the excitement of being home, sleeping in your own bed, and catching up with all your missed friends, has faded. I should add eating Vegemite to that too, I really missed it, craved it, when I was away. Won’t be leaving without it next time… Such an Aussie huh!

Patatas Bravas

Yum, Patatas Bravas!

We’ll have to drink some Sangria, and eat some tapas this w/end to remember the good times in Barcelona a year ago. It was crazy and hectic at the time, but I really miss the place now.

We’re off to Catalonia on Saturday night. Yum!

Certainly won’t be as hot outside though. It was fun to be able to skip Sydney’s winter last year. No avoiding it this year.

1 Comment »

  1. Patatas Bravas! Argh! I wanna be back there too. At least we have a good dose of music this weekend to cheer us up. This weather is driving me nuts. Mmmm…sunny Barcelona, tapas, sonar, much clubbing, great friends, being on holiday with Davo 🙂

    Comment by Joanne — June 6, 2008 @ 2:57 pm

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