Hello… Yes I’m still here. Blog was off-line for a bit, sorry about that, some hosting/server troubles.
Whoa, where have the last 2 months gone?
I’ve been away… Spending (too much) time in Rapture, City 17, White Forest, and within the Aperture Science Laboratories.
I’ve been doing a lot of killing! *evil laugh* Whohahahahaaar.
Yes, PC games. I’m having a heap of fun playing all these FPS (First Person Shooters) PC games:
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
MINERVA: Metastasis a mod for Half-Life 2
I’ve also got these other FPS PC games that I’m yet to jump into:
F.E.A.R: Extraction Point
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow Of Chernobyl
Far Cry
I’m really looking forward to buying/playing Crysis (the demo is awesome), and Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare when they’re released shortly.
PC Games huh?
Yes, whilst my younger sister and friends are having babies (congratulations Nat & Stew, Paul & Heidi) I’m getting back into playing computer games… Mid-life crisis? Wanting for my early teenage years? Refusing to grow up? Yes, probably.
It’s an exciting time for FPS PC games. Some fantastic games released this year. Probably the best FPS games to date. Huge advances in enemy AI, game-play physics, large, open, interactive environments, amazing realistic graphics, immersive atmospheres and storylines. Lots of satisfying game playing fun to be had indeed. It’s fantastic to have a beast of a PC to be able to enjoy all these new games on as they’re released, and playing at full settings, with no problems at all.
I’ve been having a blast.
Portal is a really unique and fun game, such a clever concept. The cake isn’t a lie! Yum! /me sings ‘I’m still alive…” LOL.
It’s fun being back into computer games again. It takes me back to my Commodore 64 days in the 1980’s.
Speaking of Commodore 64 games… I came across this the other day… Valkyrie17 (1985) one of my favourite text/adventure games lives on… The original creator has made a free Windows version, awesome! It really makes you appreciate just how far computer games have come looking back at this.
I’m pretty selfish with my gaming though, I’m not into any of that multiplayer on-line stuff, and definitely not into WoW.